Hi. I'm Kate. For the last few years, I've been dedicated to transforming Gro Clinics' brand perception. I almost didn't apply the job until I saw the ‘Gro Diary’ series and how happy their clients were. They said Gro had changed their lives. I saw that spark and knew I could work with it.
When I joined, the branding was inconsistent—orange and purple everywhere, it was all stock images that felt anything but authentic or trustworthy. So, I dove into research. I learned about our happiest customers, found out what connected them, what drove them, what made them go through with having a hair transplant, and how they felt afterward. Then, I put together a refreshed brand guide aimed at them, using a tone they spoke in and set out to create imagery they could literally see themselves in.
Next, I reached out to our clients and asked them to come on a photoshoot to share their hair loss journeys. It was amazing. We used that content to completely rebuild the website on Shopify (formerly Strapi) and came up with a whole new suite of ads. These ads didn't put anyone down or shame anyone for hair loss. People resonated with it. Sure, there were still some nasty comments—it’s the internet—but the outpouring of support from our clients was what really got me. It made me feel great about my job, knowing I was helping people in some little way. ​​​​​​​
Our clients became our biggest advocates, spreading the word, sharing their stories. We were doing something the industry had never seen before. We were breaking the stigma around hair loss, letting people know that hair loss is normal. That we're just here for the people who want more hair. If they want to, we can help them Defy Genetics.

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